“Evidenced-based” is a term coming into fruition more and more these days in the coaching profession. The intent behind this push is to hold coaches accountable for a professional and higher quality practice. However many misconstrue “evidence-based” to be some abstract way of thinking or coaching. Either that or they believe “evidence = research,” which is false and simply a misunderstanding of what being “evidence-based” actually means. It does not simply refer to research. That is only a piece of the bigger story. The full evidence-based coaching paradigm has already been elaborated on HERE.
Nonetheless, research is still in fact a piece of the puzzle therefore I’m very excited to announce a new resource that will make this process much easier and a more efficient use of our time. It’s called Strength & Conditioning Research. Essentially it is a monthly review of 50 of the latest studies pertaining to our profession. The disciplines it draws from are:
Ø Strength & Conditioning
Ø Biomechanics
Ø Physiology
Ø Physical Therapy
Each study that this monthly report reviews includes:
Ø Study Citation
Ø Background of the study
Ø What the researchers did
Ø What happened as a result
Ø What the researchers concluded
The only thing missing from this resource in my opinion is an explanation of each study’s limitations. Aside, this is still a great resource for coaches who don’t have a lot of time to review/interpret research pertaining to training.
Truly being an “evidence-based coach” manifests in the active, purposeful, and continual enhancement and critique of one’s knowledge and application via the keyholes that have been elucidated in THIS previous article. If you passively operate under evidence by luck, intuition, or simply imitating other coaches, you are not an evidence-based coach.
There is no excuse to not implement evidence-based coaching. Undoubtedly you will meet road bumps or challenges along the way to excellent servant hood but the outcome is far greater than any struggle. To produce professional and optimal coaching decisions and serve others best, we must integrate all types of evidence into our coaching practice. Strength & Conditioning Research, the monthly review, is one tool to help with that!
Wow, that was a powerful Evidenced-based article, I was practically glued to it until I finished reading all of it. I think I am convinced that I would like to be an Evidenced-based coach that will be more honorable and more satisfactory. A big thank you for such a beautiful article.
Rick Kaselj of http://ExercisesForInjuries.com