Sam Leahey is a Sports Performance Coach and Data Analyst servicing athletes in the Bay Area of California. Current career role and employment history is listed in the table below. Sam possesses the unique ability to combine his backgrounds in academics, athletics, and real world practical experiences to create highly effective programs for maximized performance to athletes all backgrounds, ages, and abilities using applied sport science. Common areas of focus for athletes seeking his services include, but are not limited too:
- – injury prevention/reduction based on sporting demands
- – corrective/orthopedic exercise (if implicated)
- – strength training (adjusted based on age/maturity status)
- – power/impulse training – core stability training
- – linear/lateral acceleration/deceleration gait mechanics
- – fundamental motor skills (cutting, shuffling, crossover, etc)
- – agility / change of direction mechanics
- – sport specific conditioning (as implicated by age, sport, and background)
Sam took on his first client in 2004 in his home state of Rhode Island and has sinced worked with a range of demographics spanning over both collegiate and high school settings as well as private training facilities around the country. Currently he trains Olympic, professional and semi-professional, minor league, collegiate, and high school level athletes. He has been a guest author on Eric Cressey, Michael Boyle, Bret Contreras, Patrick Ward, Mark Young, and Robbie Bourke’s websites as well as being published by www.T-Nation.com and www.StrengthCoach.com. Currently he publishes a free newsletter HERE. With tenacity, Sam seeks to continue developing an extraordinary level of excellence rooted in science and best practices. Above all, his most notable quality that shines through to his clients and fellow colleagues is simply – passion!
While prepared in a variety of bodies of knowledge, Sam particularly specializes in applied sports science under the guides of exercise physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and statistics as they relate to program design and manual therapy for athletic performance enhancement as well as remedial exercise. Feel free to contact Sam at sa*@sa*******.com .